If you think that this Rothenberg article is funny, there’s no hope for you.

More accurately: if you understand the humor then there’s no hope for you. You’re just too deep into the weeds to ever come back out again.

My new statistical model of the open Wisconsin Senate seat suggests that Democrats now have only a 54.496 percent chance of holding the seat. That’s a dramatic change from just three weeks ago, when my model showed them with a 55.501 percent chance.

The change results from three main developments: (1) changes in the national generic ballot that are likely to filter down the ballot, (2) changes in my turnout model, specifically among voters with Scandinavian surnames, and (3) the unexpected development that Pisces has entered the House of Scorpio, indicating an increasing sexual energy that should benefit Republicans, who have had a long-term advantage with macho male voters.


Moe Lane

PS: Me? I thought that it was freaking hysterical. But then, there’s no hope for me.

2 thoughts on “If you think that this Rothenberg article is funny, there’s no hope for you.”

  1. I think the actual poll showed 54.496 plus or minus e% with a (100 – Pi) level of confidence.

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