Do NOT rely on this news about how bad Democratic turnout is likely to be.

That is not to say that it’s untrue:

The Democratic Party’s worst fears about the midterm election look to be coming true.

Polling in recent weeks suggests turnout on Election Day could be very low, even by the standards of recent midterms. That’s bad news for Democrats because core groups in the liberal base are more likely to stay home than are people in the demographic segments that lean Republican.

A Gallup poll last week found that voters are less engaged in this year’s midterms than they were in 2010 and 2006. Only 33 percent of respondents said they were giving at least “some” thought to the upcoming midterms, compared to 46 percent in 2010 and 42 percent in 2006. Even more troubling for Democrats, Republicans held a 12-point advantage  when those paying “some” attention were broken down by party.

…because it almost certainly is true; but “Turnout will save us!” is the single most dangerous statement in electoral affairs. Use it as a pick-me-up.  Certainly deploy it as a weapon against our political foes.  But never, ever put your weight on it.

That’s all.

One thought on “Do NOT rely on this news about how bad Democratic turnout is likely to be.”

  1. could we get an alternate meme going? something like “print shops are working 24/7 to produce fake ballots for the dems”? we need all the weapons we can get, just to make *sure*.

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