Fleetwood Mac’s Seven Miles Of Cocaine. …Per capita.

It is, indeed, a bit of a puzzle.

Though they appeared deceptively inoffensive, with their hippy-ish outfits and gentle, melodic hits such as Don’t Stop, Little Lies and Go Your Own Way, when it came to decadence and over-indulgence, Fleetwood Mac made the Rolling Stones or Led Zeppelin look like a Salvation Army band.

Quite how they are still alive, still talking to each other and touring is a marvel to everyone, least of all themselves.

I assume that it’s essentially Darwinian. In any population there’s going to be somebody who can do massive amounts of drugs for decades, yet still survive and even thrive.  This is apparently a survival trait in the entertainment industry: at this rate, Keith Richards’ grand-children will be prime candidates for our first Super-Soldier program…

Via @Neal_Dewing.

One thought on “Fleetwood Mac’s Seven Miles Of Cocaine. …Per capita.”

  1. The musicians who sing in the language of the Gaels die much younger. It is said that God invented whiskey to keep them from taking over the world.

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