The ‘Mad Max: Fury Road’ teaser trailer.

…I look at this, and there’s only one emotion I feel.

Bemusement. It could be great; it could be awful. It’s unlikely to be mediocre, if only because a lot of people with strong opinions on the subject were clearly involved in the making of this film. What confuses me is why they made this film. What great itch in the national psyche is this film scratching?

Ach, well, I’ll probably go see it anyway.  Maybe it’s no more profound than that.

9 thoughts on “The ‘Mad Max: Fury Road’ teaser trailer.”

  1. It does have Tom Hardy as Max. The production was a wee bit of hell due to too much rain in Australia (making their wasteland too green) forcing them to relocate shooting to Morocco.

  2. I’ve never seen the older Mad Maxes so this might draw newbies like me in.
    So, it looks scary enough.

  3. Apocalyptic films tend to do well in times of economic and national insecurity, which fits the Obama era to a T.

  4. Well, time to go get my eyes checked. At first glance I thought it said Furry Road. I was thinking they went off on one weird tangent.

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