Quote of the Day, I Lost It At ‘Hank The Hallucination,’ Myself edition.

Too rich for words.

[Paul] Begala is of course the exemplar of the minion type, the tireless monkey-butler of the Clinton crime syndicate, bowing and scraping as members of the imperial family come and go, garnishing their altars between coronations. Begala has minion in his DNA, though he did once seek power for himself, running for student-body president at my alma mater, the University of Texas. He was defeated by an imaginary write-in candidate, Hank the Hallucination, but rather than concede defeat, Begala had Hank the Hallucination ruled ineligible on the grounds that he was not registered as a student.

And there’s more. So much, much more.

2 thoughts on “Quote of the Day, I Lost It At ‘Hank The Hallucination,’ Myself edition.”

  1. I decided the story about Hank the Hallucination was too good to check.
    Of course, I also remember my college years, and “Rastro the Grasshound” winning the student body president election. (The administration objected and awarded the office to the brownnoser in second place. Who at least had the benefit of being real, but in no way represented the student body at any point.)

    1. Oh, I remember hearing about Hank when I went to UT in the late 80’s, but I had no idea it was Paul Begala who lost to him. That’s just amusing, because the race was described to me as two fairly slimy people against Hank, and it really being no contest at all.

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