Last week, California’s Division of Occupational Safety and Health Standards (OSHA) proposed a new raft of safety standards for porn production sets in the state, raising ire and eyebrows in the process. The standards, which have yet to be finalized, fill 21 pages and detail a wide range of new safety protocols actors and their employers would have to abide by on set. Nestled among them is a provision about “eye protection.” That’s right, goggles. Goggles, to be worn by porn actors, in porn films.
Well now. I wonder how long it’s going to be before a state that borders California decides that it’s going to take advantage of California’s apparent desire to drive out the adult film industry? – Because this is what ‘more government’ looks like, folks. And the state bureaucracy doesn’t care whether or not you find this stuff hot.
Goggles were the compromise after full-body condoms were defeated: https://t.co/HFKgCZSmnh
— Cynthia Yockey (@conservativelez) May 29, 2015
Moe Lane
PS: …Goggles. GOGGLES! The mind reels.
I imagine Nevada would be the obvious candidate.
My eyes! The goggles do nothing!
I sense a coming trend. sexy scientist, sexy lab partner, sexy…um..welder?
Wear googles? Surely you can’t be serious.
Hmmm…with the right costuming, you could have: Call of Cthulhu porn!
Or Steampunk porn.
Hmmm … I wonder if Phil Foglio had any steampunk comics in his Xxxenophile series that San Fernando Valley filmmakers could adapt as scripts?
they weren’t content to drive the business out of LA, they want it out of California entirely …
/seriously, if I can vote for San Diego county to secede from California, I’m doing it early and often …
I’m with you there on that, we do have the only Republican mayor in a major city.
You should see their ear plugs.
Professional porn is having the same kinds of issues as a lot of other industries- losing business because of the internet.
And was it LA or the State of California that mandated the use of condoms?
Next law in CA will be to ban amateur porn.
“You’ll shoot your eye out, kid.”
What, no orange day-glo safety vests and hardhats? How about shoes with reinforced toe-caps? In case you, yannow, drop a big load on ’em…
PS: care to hazard a guess what the largest sector of the film industry is, in terms of cash flow?
I see this more as overzealous crony capitalism by those with fetish for people wearing goggles. “Yes! All the porn stars must wear GOOGLES! mMMMMMMM”.
goggles are important! look what happened to poor Harry Reid… and he was just there observing.