Quote of the Day, Lie Down With Statists, Get Up With People Being Sent To Jail edition.

Regarding the news that Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis is now in jail on contempt of court (which, by the way, she is*), well. I sympathize with this:

As for me, I’ve reached the point where I just want people to stop trying to find ways to punish each other. I do want gay couples to be able to get their marriage licenses in Rowan County and not have to go elsewhere. But I don’t want Kim Davis thrown in jail.

…but that last sentence was never an option. The truth of the matter is that the political party currently running the federal executive branch deliberately used the federal judiciary branch to force an end run around the federal legislative branch, not to mention the majority of state governments and Constitutions. Putting people in jail was always part of their plan. It’s the only way to enforce imposition of new ‘law’ via judicial fiat.

Just why do people think that I – an open same-sex marriage supporter – refused to endorse that amicus brief** in the first place? It was not least because I knew that there would be more coercion following the initial coercion. It’s a damned shame that nobody at Reason thought about that ahead of time. Or anybody else who is uncomfortably aware that all of this has led to a woman being put in jail because of her religious beliefs. This was always going to be part of the endgame: best that people just accept that now.

Moe Lane

*Mind you, I’m contemptuous of the Obergefell v. Hodges decision myself.

**I didn’t sign it because I wasn’t important enough to be asked.

One thought on “Quote of the Day, Lie Down With Statists, Get Up With People Being Sent To Jail edition.”

  1. I was dearly hoping our state governments would have slapped the 10th Amendment on the table, and told the SC to slide clumsily down a flagpole.
    It would have stopped this b@$$;:/.
    Too bad they lacked the testicular fortitude. Now the Rule of Law has taken a major blow, and we’re a couple of steps closer to the next civil war.

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