Webcomic I just started following: Daughter of the Lilies.

Daughter of the Lilies is just starting to really kick into high gear: it’s heroic fantasy, adventuring party edition. The artist insists that it’s not based on D&D, which just goes to show how persuasive that game has been on modern fantasy.  Story line is good, so far: the coloring has been very nice and there’s a fairly good amount of implied worldbuilding going on in the background. Plus maybe just a hint of trinitarianism, but I’ll have to read more of it before I’m sure.  Check it out.

7 thoughts on “Webcomic I just started following: Daughter of the Lilies.”

  1. We’ll there went an hour of my life. Blessedly(’cause I haven’t missed to much story yet) short archive to binge so far.
    I don’t know if you caught the mouse-over text Easter eggs like XKCD has. That particular Trinitarian reference comes with the popup text:”Hebrews 1:13-14″

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