[I hate it when an article caters to my prejudices.]

[Specifically, I hate it when I have to stop halfway through my rant on a particular topic because there’s a nagging voice in my head going ‘Is that REALLY what happened?’ And it turns out that it didn’t. It’s galling.]

[Case in point: this Ars Technica article. Shorn of its extras, the gist of it is: if you didn’t buy a digital copy of Doom 1 or 2 for the XBox 360 and keep it on your XBox One console, the versions currently for sale on the Xbox One don’t have the multiplayer options available on the original. If you did buy some version of them, you can still get the games; in some cases you may just have to take an extra step to get them. Which is probably annoying, but if you’re not being annoyed sometime during the process of buying and downloading video games then there’s probably something really bad going on somewhere and you just haven’t noticed yet.]

[I’m a big believer in the attitude that, if you want to own something, buy a physical version of it — but don’t take advantage of that attitude when you’re telling me something.]

Moe Lane

[PS: And get off of my lawn!]

One thought on “[I hate it when an article caters to my prejudices.]”

  1. Unfortunately, the industry standard Day One megapatch means you can’t own the IP on a physical medium.
    That’s *if* the disk isn’t a glorified download key.
    Which it has been for every game I’ve bought over the past couple years.
    Don’t think I’ve forgiven Bungie for stealth-nerfing items I’d spent entirely too much time grinding for. (You have a matched set of Surplus perk Deviant-As in every element? You’ll never notice when we replace the Surplus perk with random crap, even though we won’t let you upgrade their power level to be useful outside of PvP. While we’re at it, we’ll also stealth-break Ruin Wings so that they don’t actually do anything. Presumably in the name of PvP balance.)
    My bubble bro had the sads.
    And I ragequit.
    (Until my wife was going to be out of town for a week, and wanted to keep me out of mischief. So she bought me the expansion.)
    Then Bungie turned right around and did it again.

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