Tweet of the Day, This Is Why We Oldish* People Are Cranky About Physical Media edition.

I understand that this particular situation is weird and complicated, but dammit: physical discs are harder to deactivate.

*I don’t feel old.

As always, this is an April Fools Day-free zone.

I mean, do practical jokes in the comments, or something. I don’t care about that. I don’t even mind the holiday itself, but this is as about excitement as I want out of this particular holiday.

Tweet of the Day, …Larian Studios Is Done With Baldur’s Gate? edition

Wait, what? That game is made of money!

Continue reading Tweet of the Day, …Larian Studios Is Done With Baldur’s Gate? edition

Tweet of the Day, It’s Not Just Book Publishers edition.

There’s more than one video game company out there ready to take advantage of somebody’s need to see their stuff commercially available.

Somebody in the comments called that a deal with a demon. To which I would reply: oh, please. Traditionally, demons value human souls too much to start with such an insulting offer.

Via @TychoBrahe.

FunCom clarifies the religious aspects of their DUNE: AWAKENING MMO.

I don’t think FunCom was trying to start its own little jihad over its upcoming Dune MMO…

Continue reading FunCom clarifies the religious aspects of their DUNE: AWAKENING MMO.