Unexpected Snippet, THE HOUSE.

Very unexpected; I was just trying to revise that one for ANAGNORISIS. But there needed to be a little more dramatic tension…

When I came into the living room Alyx was indeed there (her younger brother had taken two, earlier, and was already asleep. Most of the children who took the candy would ‘crash’ early this night, for absolutely no conventionally detectable reason whatsoever). I imagined that she might have brightened ever so slightly as I entered; Alyx was naturally suspicious of me at first, but as the months passed she had decided that perhaps I might be a little trustworthy, after all.

It was that trustworthiness that I needed to take advantage of, if only for selfish reasons. I cannot abide dramatic scenes. “Alyx, please listen to me,” I said, holding the candy out. “Everything you secretly believe is true. The world really is full of the strange and uncanny, despite what your mother might think; and this really is a special night, with great and terrible possibilities. Adults lie to you about it because they prefer to remain blind.

But I will not lie to you. If you want to see, however briefly, the first step lies in you eating one of these candies. They will not harm you. In fact, I will eat one of your choosing, myself, if only you will eat another.”

She made me pick the one I was to eat, of course. After that, Alyx willingly took another and consumed it in front of me. As I left, she said, “Thanks.”

I turned. “For what?”

“You were lying,” Alyx said. “There’s nothing like what you said out there. But it’s Halloween, and you made me believe that there was for a moment. So, thanks.”

I came very close to smiling. “Well. ‘Tis the season.” I then made my goodbyes to Betty, and went back to the House. With any luck, I could continue the next step in my plan.