The #snydercut JUSTICE LEAGUE trailer.

Not the countdown to the trailer, or the countdown to the countdown, or the countdown with four Ms and a silent Q. Just the JUSTICE LEAGUE trailer itself. In all of its ‘thumb in the eye of whoever you like’ glory.

2 thoughts on “The #snydercut JUSTICE LEAGUE trailer.”

  1. Interesting.
    First, that they really are doing Justice League .. and that they have a big enough big-bad to get the superheroes to put aside their obvious rivalries etc.
    Second, that the changes to filmmaking in time of COVID are subtle, but very present.
    Third … this is an “all the marbles” bet for Snyder, huh?

  2. Ugh. This looks like everything about Batman v. Superman that I didn’t like, turned up to 11. Whedon’s theatrical cut was not a good movie, but at least I got a few moments of enjoyment from it.

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