OK, so we’re here at the 2009 International Conference on Climate Change.

The 2009 International Conference on Climate Change. We’re here, we’re registered, and it’s a perfectly lovely day here in the Big Apple. Not too warm, not too cold, and not a blizzard in sight. In about an hour or so we’ll be in a reception, and this evening’s there’s going to be a dinner speech by Czech President Vaclav Klaus.

Skanderbeg and I are covering this conference: he’s doing the science, I get the politics. Tomorrow morning we should be hearing from Congressman Tom McClintock (R, CA-04) over breakfast: I’ll see if I can score an interview afterward. Needless to say, anyone attending this conference is welcome to stop by and see how we’re doing.

Moe Lane

PS: If I can, I hope to pull a Caleb and get a handle on whatever protesters might be showing up for this. And by “get a handle,” I mean, of course, “savagely mock.”

Crossposted to RedState.

It is currently 61 degrees in Manhattan.

Weather today will be cloudy, with a chance of rain; weather for the next two days will be highs in the upper forties, with a reasonable chance of rain but no particular chance of extreme weather. Typical-to-pleasant climate for the climate change conference that I’m covering, in other words.

Something out there has a sense of humor, I’m thinking.

Moe Lane

PS: By all means, hit the PayPal button to the side. Train tickets cost money. See? I’m taking public transportation. Minimizing the carbon footprint, yadda yadda.