My sympathies for, and hard-nosed observation to, @davidfrum. #obamacare

I will not mock David Frum for this.

Because what happened here is as objectionable as hell, even if it is happening to somebody who is far too enamored of the President’s policies in general. But this is important to note: we on the Right knew that this was going to happen, we warned people that it was going to happen, and we turned out to be correct. David Frum needs to confront that; and complaining about the situation on Twitter isn’t going to be enough to make up for this. Continue reading My sympathies for, and hard-nosed observation to, @davidfrum. #obamacare

#rsrh ‘Zounds*! Frum threatens to leave the GOP!

This is staggering!

Any other nominee [besides Romney or Huntsman] would gravely test my commitment to the political party I’ve supported since I entered the United States as a college student in the fall of 1978.

Continue reading #rsrh ‘Zounds*! Frum threatens to leave the GOP!

#rsrh QotD, …”DAVID FRUM?” edition.

Yup. David Frum. On the recent obnoxiousness where a Switzerland trip by former President Bush got canceled due to death/arrest threats:

…for those inclined to enjoy the mischief: Just wait until somebody serves an arrest warrant in Luxembourg on ex-President Obama for ordering all those drone strikes on the Afghanistan-Pakistan border.

Again, yup. Because that will happen, folks. If you think that the international ‘peace’ movement likes the current American President – any American President – think again.

(Via Hot Air Headlines)

Moe Lane

PS: If this ever does happen, with any former American President, let me be blunt: whichever American President is in office at the time will be faced with a choice. He or she can either retrieve the former President in question by any means necessary, or he or she can be the involuntary field test subject for the Twenty-Fifth Amendment.

And don’t think that the second option is not an option.

#rsrh Note to self: don’t annoy Tom Bevan.

This pretty much cuts to the roots of the Matter of Frum. It also impressed the heck out of a few people who work with snark on a regular basis.

Moe Lane

PS: If you’re just getting into politics, RealClearPolitics should be one of your go-to places.  They do authorized reprints of some of the most important daily articles (from both sides of the spectrum), collect polls from the major pollsters, and have a couple of blogs that I should link to more often.  Well worth perusing, whether Left or Right.