Who in God’s name keeps buying Starship Troopers videos?

Because they keep making them.  Am I missing something, here?  Seriously, I’m starting to wonder if there’s something wrong with me.  Or that maybe I’m getting old.

Moe Lane

PS: What? Will I watch Starship Troopers: Traitor of Mars?  Don’t be absurd.  The tactical behavior of the Bugs started off stupid in the First Abomination, and apparently never got any better. The real Johnnie Rico — well, you know what I mean — would have erased these CGI-happy herds of stampeding praying mantises halfway through the first movie and then gone out for pineapple squash.

Yeah.  I’m one of those Heinlein fans.  I didn’t even have to look it up.  And here: have a taste of the true quill.