My endorsement of Dr. Hunter Baker for TN-08.

I normally don’t endorse in primaries, but when it comes to the TN-08 race I will happily make an exception for Dr. Hunter Baker. Hunter is an old friend and RedState colleague; I can attest to his character, industry, and good humor. If I lived in his district, I would assuredly vote for him. If you do, I recommend that you do.

Hunter’s Congressional site is here.

Moe Lane

PS: I almost put this on RedState right after Leon Wolf’s own endorsement, but did not because it would have been an in-joke that maybe twenty, thirty people on the planet would get.

Rep John Tanner (D, TN) bails out.

For those keeping track: yes on ‘stimulus;’ no on cap-and-trade and health care rationing. Apparently, that wasn’t enough:

Rep. John Tanner (D-TN), a leading Blue Dog Dem, will retire at the end of his current term, Dem sources tell Hotline OnCall.

[snip: see below]

Tanner has begun informing key House Dems of his decision — one that will make his seat a prime pickup opportunity for GOPers. He has served 11 terms in Congress representing northwest TN, a district based around Jackson, Clarksville and Union City.

At least, not enough for TN-08 – which is a R+6 district, and was a Leans Democratic pickup possibility (I assume that this will improve now).  Rep Tanner’s claiming that he only stuck around to be President of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly; which is why, of course, that he has no anointed successor for his seat and announced his retirement sans warning or initial explanation.  For that matter: Rep. Tanner claims to be a fiscal conservative, even though he voted for the ‘stimulus.’ So you can believe or not believe his explanation as you like.

At any rate: that’s the second one.  Meanwhile, the GOP’s excellent 2010 recruiting continues apace.

Moe Lane

Crossposted to RedState.