‘Woolly Mammoths.’

It’s… a long story. Still, bringing back woolly mammoths is pretty cool. I understand they taste great.

Wooly Mammoth – Google Docs

Fragment Of A Recently Unearthed Saga From the Proto-Indo-European Period Narrating the Battle Between A Human Clan And What Was Apparently A Herd Of Malevolent, Psionic Woolly Mammoths Bent On Wiping Humanity Out.

Continue reading ‘Woolly Mammoths.’

I hear that there’s good eating on a mammoth…

…not that I’d know, given that my primitive ancestors ate them to death, the greedy SOBs.  Not be all cranktastic or anything, but the folks who want to go on and on about how modern man is so much less in tune with the rhythms of Gaea than his forefathers were should go look up what happened to the North American ecological system once humanity colonized the continent (spoiler warning: we ate it).  Anyway, they’re bringing back the woolly mammoth!  I’ll have mine medium-well, with a nice lingonberry wine reduction sauce.  Unless there’s going to be ribs…

Via Hot Air Headlines.