My buddy Cam (who went with me to the DC Tax Party thing to act as general hanger-outer-with and backup, in case the counter-demonstrators got stroppy*) mentioned to me that Blackfive had picked up all rights to use Military Motivator from the guy who originally did it.
I liked this one:
The tag is here.
Moe Lane
PS: Also, do Marines have indelible ink on their foreheads or something that only another Marine can see? Cam kept finding other Marines all day.
*They didn’t. Heck, they stayed as invisible as possible.
Cam kept finding other Marines all day.
Which is even more ironic in light of how small we are in numbers compared to the other branches.
Heck, they stayed as invisible as possible.
I have a feeling that they realized they were quite outnumbered and the fact that most folks were polite to them threw them off.