This cannot be sugar-coated, and I have no desire to even try.
Retailers Head for Exits in Detroit
There was a time early in the decade when downtown Detroit was sprouting new cafes and shops, and residents began to nurture hopes of a rebound. But lately, they are finding it increasingly tough to buy groceries or get a cup of fresh-roast coffee as the 11th largest U.S. city struggles with the recession and the auto-industry crisis.
No national grocery chain operates a store here. A lack of outlets that sell fresh produce and meat has led the United Food and Commercial Workers union and a community group to think about building a grocery store of its own.
The city’s 22.8% unemployment rate is among the highest in the U.S.; 30% of residents are on food stamps.
Detroit is a city dominated by the Democratic party, in a state that is controlled by the Democratic party. If you are from Detroit and would like to see some relief, STOP VOTING FOR THE POLITICAL PARTY THAT PUT YOU IN THIS MESS IN THE FIRST PLACE.
Moe Lane
PS: And that goes for the rest of Michigan, too. Clearly, having a GOP-controlled Senate is not sufficiently restraining either the Michigan House, or your Governor. That unemployment rate of yours has certainly gotten ambitious since Granholm took office, yes?
PPS: From the blurb, Detroit Then and Now promises to look hideously depressing in its innocent, 2001-era naivete.
Crossposted to RedState.