[UPDATE]: I’ve had a copy of the image sent to me that includes the URL. The Google cache for the site is here; as you can see, not only did the image originate from the site, but the author him/herself was present at the Reston Town Hall, writing posts about it. I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that I think that we’ve established that the flier found below represents a deliberate attempt by the Left to incite racially-motivated hate against the Right.
I apologize in advance for the ugly and graphic nature of the image that will be available for viewing after the fold: I would prefer not to show it, but unfortunately somebody decided that it was suitable for distribution after the Reston, VA Town Hall – and I can’t actually talk about it without showing it.
…Yeah. See also The Blog Prof, Weasel Zippers, American Power, Gateway Pundit, and Marooned in Marin: the image comes from Restonian, which is claiming a virtuous motive in removing from the flyer the URL of the group that disseminated this racist garbage – a claim which I personally don’t believe for a second, although you’re welcome to check their archives and make up your own minds. Still, even Restonian concedes that the URL that was removed from the original flier is for an anti-Tea Party website (I screenshotted that admission, by the way); and the ‘artist’ is one Mike Flugennock, a Hard Lefty (and, apparently, a closet racist) from the area. I see no reason to pretend that it was anything except an attack on the people opposing health care rationing.
I present all of this for educational purposes, not ideological. You need to know what they think of you. Particularly when they sort of don’t want you to know what they think of you.
Moe Lane
PS: I’d be fascinated to see the original URL associated with this flyer, myself.
PPS: The 9/12 DC Tea Party site is here.
Crossposted to RedState.
PPPS: Slightly edited for clarity.
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