3 thoughts on “ambinderfreudian”

  1. They know that Palin is the one that can beat Barry Obama easily so they try to denigrate her. Already we know everything about her whereas we are still trying to get school records on Barry. She is a patriot and loves the United States and would never, ever say anything against her country. She believes in the Constitution and doesn’t think it needs changing. She knows Capitalism has worked for over 200 years and socialism that Barry wants has failed everywhere. She is for real and Barry is something we really don’t know what he might be with friends like he has, the communists and union thugs. Its a choice that many want to make now.

  2. How many failed vice presidential candidates during your lifetime have gotten much press ten months after they were defeated? OK, aside from the Dan Quayle “potatoe” jokes that are still a treasured example for the Left of the stupidity of Republicans. Estes Kevauver, maybe? Thomas Eagleton? Jack Kemp? Henry Cabot Lodge? Bill Miller?

    Palin is still in the news because the elite Left, and much of the elite Right, hate her guts and fear her. Why? Well, partly because she is ever so unfashionably from flyover culture. But mainly because she says things that are so true. Like exposing Obama’s utter lack of experience or resume, hypocritically ignored by all those foaming over Palin’s resume, whose thinness was surpassed by Obama’s. Or like talking back to a media that has treated her with more vicious contempt and dishonesty than any candidate in my lifetime. People who are sick of being dictated and condescended to by pundits, comedians, “news” mavens and politicians recognize simple truths in what she says and how she says it. Or like the truths she is saying now about the proposed government takeover of health care. People know what she says is true. And they know what Obama is saying is not.

  3. I have to say– sadly, I might add– that I couldn’t support a Sarah Palin run for the Republican nomination, even though I probably agree with her 90+% of the time. Why? Because I saw what the press did to George Bush over the past 8 years (but mainly ’04-’08).
    The press unleashed a pounding on him that was relentless, vicious, merciless, and most of all, effective. There is absolutely nobody who can stand up to that kind of character assassination and come away unscarred. It was the press– not Iraq, not the economy, not Katrina, not anything else you care to name– that drove President Bush’s approval numbers into the dirt. (Hell, if Katrina happened again tomorrow, all we would hear about are stories of the “brave sacrifices” of everyone involved, and especially our Empathizer in Chief.)
    And if what happened to President Bush was bad, it would be a walk in the park compared to what would await Republican nominee/President Sarah Palin. She wouldn’t be allowed to sneeze in public without the press accusing her of trying to spread swine flu. The press would violate every rule– go after her kids, make-up quotes, heck, make up entire stories (like, oh, I dunno… stories about racial epithets at campaign stops?), you-name-it– and in the end, it would work. She would become paralyzed, and most of all, her ideas and programs would become discredited. For those of you who doubt me, just look at Sarah Palin’s current approval numbers. Getting trashed constantly in the mainstream media absolutely does cause your supporters to doubt you, and the fence-sitters to start to actively dislike you. Skulls full of mush? You betcha! But that’s reality. Plus, no matter how hard you try, you can never be on TV often enough to correct the misinformation and skewed image of you that’s being constructed.
    Bottom line: Putting aside how GOOD it would feel to have Sarah Palin as our nominee, I think that we have to choose somebody else. Someone who is not such a lightening rod for unhinged criticism.

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