Obama’s developing strategy on the Taliban will “not tolerate their return to power,” the senior official said in an interview with The Associated Press. But the U.S. would fight only to keep the Taliban from retaking control of Afghanistan’s central government — something it is now far from being capable of — and from giving renewed sanctuary in Afghanistan to al-Qaida, the official said.
Bowing to the reality that the Taliban is too ingrained in Afghanistan’s culture to be entirely defeated, the administration is prepared, as it has been for some time, to accept some Taliban role in parts of Afghanistan, the official said. That could mean paving the way for Taliban members willing to renounce violence to participate in a central government — though there has been little receptiveness to this among the Taliban. It might even mean ceding some regions of the country to the Taliban.
Via Hot Air.
Wait. What?
“We’re going to turn Afghanistan into a cross between the Balkans and Somalia.”
Did I read that right?
Brevity is the soul of wit. Thanks Moe.
You’re over reacting Moe. This is a great idea and it’s long overdue.
A region of the country is ceded to the Taliban. They move in and take control. We bomb it in a manner that precludes life in that particular region for whatever the half life of U235 is.
I like it. Obviously Barack deserved the Nobel Peece Prize.
That is bullshit – Just ask the Pakistians –