Credit the Democrats for this exciting new development in mental health issues. Parents having problems with their kids moving out and leaving them alone? Easily solved: make it so that they can’t move out.
WASHINGTON – Faced with limited job options, many young adults are turning to an old standby to weather the recession: moving back in with mom and dad.
Nearly 1 in 7 parents with grown children say they had a “boomerang kid” move back home in the past year, according to a study released Tuesday by the Pew Research Center. In a turnabout in the rite of passage in which a college graduate finds a job and an apartment, many are returning to their parents’ empty nests because of tight finances or as they pursue an advanced degree.
Brilliant. (H/T: Instapundit)
Moe Lane
“Boomerang kids?” Ye gods and little fishes.