Song called on account of jaw-dropping Presidential statement.

I am officially gobsmacked. POTUS:

“Whether We Like it or Not, We Remain a Dominant Military Superpower.”

Here’s the video, in case the site above doesn’t load:

I got nothing, sorry.

[UPDATE]: No, wait, I do have something. Dude. READ THIS STUFF ALOUD FIRST BEFORE YOU GO IN FRONT OF A CAMERA. Find somebody on staff who doesn’t love you and read it in front of him or her. Watch to see where the winces are.

2 thoughts on “Song called on account of jaw-dropping Presidential statement.”

  1. “somebody on staff who doesn’t love you”??

    Do you really think President Obama has even one such staffer anywhere? I don’t.

    (Ironically, it was President Bush who was accused of surrounding himself by yes-men… when he actually preferred to let people debate opposing viewpoints in front of him.)

  2. Un-effing-believable. Dude.

    Is he using the “royal” we? Because I sure as heck “like” it that we are THE dominant military superpower


    FCCS(SW/AW) Jeff Weimer, USN

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