Spell-checking is simultaneously the greatest boon and the greatest burden of modern publishing: it used to be you actually read text before you sent it to the printer. Now you just look for the wavy red lines on the screen, and never mind if you used the wrong (but properly-spelled) word:
SYDNEY — An Australian publisher is reprinting 7,000 cookbooks over a recipe for pasta with “salt and freshly ground black people.”
Penguin Group Australia’s head of publishing, Bob Sessions, acknowledged the proofreader for the Pasta Bible should have picked up the error, but called it nothing more than a “silly mistake.”
Via the Corner.
Here, let me save you time looking for it:
Moe Lane
Reminds me of the legal case where the lawyer tried to file a brief containing “sua sponte” pleadings but didn’t proofread and ended up submitting a sea sponge brief instead.
Actually…they made a cookbook out of the original short story…”To Serve Man” …I have a copy. Nice recipe for “texas chili with cowboy”
Soylent Green is people!