Long a favorite curse word among such diverse groups as anti-EU agitators and the science fiction community, the days of Belgium may be coming to a close:
Belgians were voting Sunday in general elections that are widely seen as a vote on an orderly breakup of this country where 6.5 million Dutch- and 4 million French-speakers are locked in a quarrelsome union.
Polls predicted a solid showing for a mainstream Flemish party whose leader wants Dutch-speaking Flanders to sever its unhappy ties with Francophone Wallonia and, in time, join the European Union as a separate country.
Via @jstrevino. I don’t know: between the Congo Free State, World War II (not WWI), and of course the entire ‘HQ for the EU’ thing, should we just concede that Belgium had its chance, flubbed it, and break it down for scrap parts?
Moe Lane
If Belgium can’t hold itself together, what makes Europe think it can hold the EU together?