I just subjected myself to reading one in particular. It that was written by a favorite film star of mine; an actress who is obviously clever, very skilled at her craft, still alluring, and who cannot write a rhyming couplet that recognizes any consistent rules of either grammar or scansion. It was so bad that my firstborn climbed out of bed and pulled out the next book on the queue; I tried to tough it out, but gave up three pages later when two sentences more or less collided in a fireball. Pretty, it wasn’t.
Now all I need to do is figure out a suitable subject. Preferably something not political; those never end well. More importantly, they usually don’t sell well, either.
In honor of science recently engineering artificial life,how about “Sally Has Three Mommies”
For further inspiration (one done well), I suggest Sandra Tayler’s “Hold on to Your Horses.” Yes, that is Sandra Tayler, the business side of Schlock Mercenary. It might give you some ideas. The site for her book is here: http://www.holdontoyourhorses.com/ There’s even a free PDF of the book. Just a thought. Since some one already did “Where the Deep Ones Are.”
“A Child’s Garden of Incantations to Appease the Old Ones”
How ’bout fleshing out Dale Dribble’s “The Magic Bullet”.
A story about a gun looking for it’s fired bullet-child would be apolitical, right?
Perhaps worst of all for you, Baby’s First Mythos has already been written.