#rsrh Shocker: Keith Olbermann a petulant man-child.

I just got sent a link to this Salon article about how Keith Olbermann threw a fit – and please note that while I am not claiming that foaming at the mouth and loss of motor skills/bowel control was involved, neither would I be surprised if it occurred – over the way that people reacted to his reaction to the entire Julian Assange rape allegations thing.  Apparently he quit Twitter in a huff – which is a weird thing to write about a supposedly adult man, but what the heck.

Moving away from the Assange issue itself, what strikes me about this article is the way that the author presents her conclusion that Keith Olbermann is inherently childish, elitist, and untrustworthy almost as if this was not already known about the man.  I assume that this is because said conclusion was a genuine revelation to said author; which suggests to me that the Left really needs to get out more.

Moe Lane

PS: Oh, Keith?


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