#rsrh My NSFW response to Energy Secretary Steven Chu.

On the looming incandescent bulb ban.

In a conference call with reporters, Mr. Chu said the more-efficient bulbs required would save consumers money over the life of the product, even if the up-front price is higher.

“We are taking away a choice that continues to let people waste their own money,” he said.

It’s their money to ‘waste,’ you fucking elitist political appointee*.  Swear to God – and God help us all – we’re probably better off with former lawyers in that particular policy position, after all.  At least that demographic has the mother-wit to not gratuitously insult American consumers…

Via For What It’s Worth, via Instapundit.

Moe Lane

*I was going to originally write ‘idiot,’ instead – which is also true, in this context: the man’s Nobel Prize isn’t in Economics** – but ‘political appointee’ is just as vicious a sneer when directed against a research scientist, and a good deal harder to counter.

**Although that actually would argue in favor of the man’s intelligence, come to think of it.

9 thoughts on “#rsrh My NSFW response to Energy Secretary Steven Chu.”

  1. I hadn’t believed it was physically possible for someone to obtain a doctorate in physics, let alone do Nobel-caliber work in the discipline, and still be stupid. The Obama administration teaches me something new every day.

  2. Jaed:

    I’ve met a lot of Ph.Ds and they are some of the most educated idiots I’ve ever met (something to do with the fact they’ve spent all their life in academia and never got into the ‘real world’).

  3. What’s missing from that story?

    The pushback from any reporter that should have gone like this: “Mr. Secretary, what authority do you have to stop any American citizen from doing what they wish with their money?”

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