I ain’t got the computer smarts y’all got, with the linky stuff ‘n all. Watch that toddler taekwando video. It’ll make you feel silly and happy, I promise.
Got one for you:
Go put ‘Captain Kirk is climbing a mountain’ into Google and go to the video it gives you.
Words cannot describe, you have to see it for yourself.
epic rap battles of history
I like this one because it’s Sarah Palin VS Lady Gaga. (but they are all great.)
Dave Clark 5 — Catch us if you Can.
I ain’t got the computer smarts y’all got, with the linky stuff ‘n all. Watch that toddler taekwando video. It’ll make you feel silly and happy, I promise.
Got one for you:
Go put ‘Captain Kirk is climbing a mountain’ into Google and go to the video it gives you.
Words cannot describe, you have to see it for yourself.
epic rap battles of history
I like this one because it’s Sarah Palin VS Lady Gaga. (but they are all great.)