I suppose I do, in an intellectual sort of way:
At [Debbie] Halvorson’s campaign headquarters, the mood was somber almost from the moment the polls closed. Halvorson smiled — her staff sulked — and she tried to stay positive for the TV cameras when she arrived at her election-night party in a downtown Homewood bar.
She said she was happy about the outcome, and happy for [Jesse] Jackson [Jr.], though he didn’t take her call when she tried to congratulate him.
I mean, I wouldn’t have taken Debbie Halvorson’s call, either – but then, I’m not a Democrat anymore. Still, it’s a bit not-nice of the Congressman. Guess I’m just a big softy that way – or just disappointed. Halvorson would have been a lot easier to beat in that district.
Ach, well. Go Brian Woodworth!
Moe Lane
Am I allowed to hope he follows Blago before Nov?
Moe, my name is David Quimby and I am the social media and internet advertising manager for Woodworth for Congress! Thanks for the support and don’t forget to “like” us on facebook. facebook.com/woodworthforcongress
Ol’ Triple-J’s prolly still pissed his daddy didn’t get him the Senate seat he wanted. His daddy got him a beer franchise, how much harder can a senate seat be?