Via @markknoller:
@exjon said it best: “Ouch.” A statement like that, Verrilli probably shouldn’t join any office baseball pools.
UPDATE: Via Hot Air comes the RNC just being cruel:
I dunno, you tell me: was that worth hitting the RNC tip jar? – Because that was the sort of ad that I’d do, if I had the resources.
that feels like when a MLB or NFL GM says he has confidence in his coach and 36 hours later the guy is fired.
Seriously–for a minute thought RNC had hired Mr. Lane. Whoofdee. Well, here’s hoping.
If we are forming a dead-pool for Mr. Verrilli keeping his current job, put me down for two hours after ObamaCare is completely stuck down.
I think he will soon come to the concusion that he wants to spend more time with his family