7 thoughts on “I really was going to pick a music video…”

  1. I can only conclude the reason sloths aren’t long extinct is because they taste really foul. ‘Cause it’s not like they’re running away or something.

  2. Looks like me getting out of bed in the morning until I’ve had my second cup of coffee 😉

  3. Though… you can’t help but wonder if the sloth got the last laugh. Sure, they have no redeeming qualities. But their life consists of eating more then their size requires, sleeping 15 to 18 hours a day and pooping.

    That’s basically the Democratic dream.

    I fix that for you, Cracked.

  4. Just Dave: There is actually a discussion of this in one of John Ringo’s Posleen War novels, and the consensus among the SpecOps characters is that sloth is pretty much the worst thing ever, except for Posleen.

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