Alternative title: “Barry bullied a girl. And he liked it.”
(via @adambaldwin) Scare quotes deliberate: for all I know, ‘Coretta’ is a composite of three or four African-American girls that President Barack Obama bullied as a kid.
“I’m not her boyfriend!” I shouted. I ran up to Coretta and gave her a slight shove; she staggered back and looked up at me, but still said nothing. “Leave me alone!” I shouted again. And suddenly Coretta was running, faster and faster, until she disappeared from sight. Appreciative laughs rose around me. Then the bell rang, and the teachers appeared to round us back to class.
No wonder Barack Obama underpays women who work for him. He’s been carefully taught to treat ’em that way.
Moe Lane (crosspost)
PS: Oh, I’m sorry: was that unfair? Let me keep repeating this: the Left will not win a “Whose candidate is weirder?” contest. Also: Obama staffers need to read their candidate’s own books before they try to pass scary stories about Romney to the mainstream press. Because while Barack Obama may have meant that passage to be about how racism (“Coretta’s” description was perhaps slightly… stereotypical) informed his upbringing, it reads just as easily as being an account of How I Learned To Push Women Around And Never Suffer The Consequences.
Hashtags. 24 hour news cycle shiny objects. Why does it feel like we’re at the “Stop hitting yourself! Stop hitting yourself!” stage for OFA staffers?
Interesting. I’m guessing this is from either his time in Hawaii or Indonesia, so the racism that shaped him was most likely the seldom discussed asian vs black sort. Not that it means anything, just interesting.
You can’t blame him, really. It was his white half that oppressed her.
“And suddenly Coretta was running, faster and faster, until she disappeared from sight.”
I hope someone stopped her before she left the island.
Wait — just read that “Coretta” is another composite. How many little girls did Obama assault?
The real question is how many people and events in his book are actually real. Everything is a made up situation or person to fit a narrative. There should be something instructive about that…
“Coretta” is Joella Edwards who lives in Florida. I think maybe a WaPo reporter could pay her a visit, maybe?
Are we sure it wasn’t Bill Ayers who bullied the girl?
So Romney cut a hippie’s hair, and I’m supposed to think that’s a bad thing?
You forgot when Obama called that reporter “Sweetie” and the totally non-official (wink wink) “Bros before Hoes” line of attack.
“The real question is how many people and events in his book are actually real.”
The beautiful thing is — we can attack him for all the negative things in his “autobiography” *AND* we can attack him for lying about it as well.