Always been partial to the Elvis or Pet Shop Boys versions of this song
Kinda prefer “On The Road Again”, but .. this works too.
Does anybody remember the old Bob and Tom bit about smoking weed with willi?
crap, you guys are all wrong. Pet Shop boys? yeah, ask them if they would trade sales with Nelson. On the road again was nice, but no better than a hundred of his other hits. Try this one on Acat.
Your dad had good taste.
Always been partial to the Elvis or Pet Shop Boys versions of this song
Kinda prefer “On The Road Again”, but .. this works too.
Does anybody remember the old Bob and Tom bit about smoking weed with willi?
crap, you guys are all wrong. Pet Shop boys? yeah, ask them if they would trade sales with Nelson. On the road again was nice, but no better than a hundred of his other hits. Try this one on Acat.