This was an interesting interview: Craig Stowell, for those who are not familiar with New Hampshire politics, is one of the Republican activists involved who in 2012 successfully fought HB 437, which would have repealed New Hampshire’s same-sex marriage (SSM) law. He was also recently featured in an ad cut by the pro-SSM group Respect for Marriage; a group that has recently come under fire for using footage of former First Lady Laura Bush without her approval or even knowledge… OK, that’s not true: they weren’t really criticized at all for it. But they should have been: speaking in terms of sheer consistency, it’s not very polite to insist that the Bushes stay out of the public limelight after GWB’s term of office, then drag them right back into it again whenever it’s convenient. Respect for Marriage should have at least asked first.
…And that hopefully will give you an idea of the tone of my interview with Craig. While it goes without saying that the opinions expressed in this interview regarding SSM are strictly my own personal ones, and should not be seen as reflective of either’s or Eagle Publishing’s, I was not interested in doing a softball interview. In other words, I hope that I asked at least some of the questions and addressed some of the concerns that my more socially conservative readers would have, in my place.
Moe Lane (crosspost)