PLEASE tell me this was sarcasm, Washington Post.
First of all, we should note that the White House’s story kept evolving as we reported last week’s column. It’s almost as if the president’s aides had to scramble to come up with reasons why the president could be correct, without actually knowing the facts.
Via… somebody on Twitter, I think.
I think they are pretty much just making crap up and have been for a long time. The real surprise being that the Post bothered to look into it.
The real money quote: “We don’t try to play gotcha here at The Fact Checker.” uh huh.
I vote despair-inducing.
Fish rots from the head….?
It’s almost as if the Washington Post were staffed by a bunch of contemptible *********** who yearn for the opportunity to ***** the president’s *****.
Remember when: Kessler hit Romney with a “True but False” for daring to blame Obama for job losses among women.
I offer this as proof that Kessler’s “truth facting” is Kessler essentially doing the same service for Obama that Monica Lewinsky performed for Bill Clinton.
Here’s (imo) the money quote from the WAPO article:
“A White House spokesman did not respond to a request for comment.”
Well, duh. Barrack Obama is a con man who bull****** his way into a job for which he is stupendously unqualified. Now he is trying to con everybody into believing that it’s not his fault the job is getting botched.
Well, drat: only ‘stupendously’ is supposed to be italicized, but no edit function… :/
Thank you very much, whoever fixed that for me. 😀