7 thoughts on “This is not funny.”

  1. I pray that boy’s identity is never discovered. He’ll never survive High School if it is.

    1. Thanks. My son is constantly wanting to put a video up on YouTube–now I have a great reason (at least for my own mind) of preventing him from doing it.

  2. Been there, done that, got the tuition bills to prove it.
    It doesn’t get better*, but it gets different.
    * for values of “better” that include caring about their wellbeing.. the whiny crying eventually goes away.

    1. Or moves away, some never seem to stop whiny crying they just get hired by MSNBC

  3. It is far more upsetting to a child to see his father cry over what his child is going thru, than the word no can ever achieve. There is a reason we tell our children No and a lot of the time it involves protecting them.

  4. I disagree. That was funny. You know why it was funny?
    Because we all know that kid is going to grow up knowing crying isn’t going to get him anywhere. Most of the stuff he’s crying over is when his parents say “NO” to him. I laugh because I know, I KNOW, he’ll be alright later in life. He’s a good kid and has great parents.

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