10 thoughts on “I hope that we will all be mature about this Lisa Jackson painting.”

  1. Aren’t there EPA regulations and decency laws against having a stream flowing [either] into or out of a person’s nether-regions?

  2. I hope that we will all be mature about this

    Aww, where’s the fun in that?

  3. I think that Eagles lineman conducted himself in an adult and dignified manner when he urinated on the IRS building sign, but then I have low standards.

  4. Wonder what kinds of creepy-crawlies are going in or coming out of that? Well, at least it probably doesn’t smell fishy.

  5. I’ve read to much Lovecraftian horror. I’m probably going to have nightmares about that painting for a week.

  6. Knowing Jackson, this is her desired perception of herself in some twisted role as “Mother Earth”.

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