We will now pause while Texas pro-abortion advocates administer twenty or so body blows to the reputation and good name of pro-choice advocates*. Because nobody ever told the former that it’s a good idea to behave like adults when you don’t get your way.
Bless their hearts (as some of my colleagues would say**).
Moe Lane
*Which I will remind some of my lurkers is a designation that the other half of the country largely identifies with – including various people’s families, loved ones, and friends.
**My wife feels that it’s just a little bit of an affectation when I say it. She’s right, of course (she always is), only… dammit, it’s such a useful way to tell somebody to eff off.
Conan was right…this moment IS what is best in life!!
Thread winner. Close comments, Moe. It can’t get any better than this.