Check this out: Barack Obama talking about how people see him with regard to his use of the military.
And I think that I have a well-deserved reputation for taking very seriously and soberly the idea of military engagement.
You may think that all you like, sir: but thinking does not make it so.
The Nobel Peace Prize proves he has a “reputation” but let us discuss this notion of “well-deserved”.
Comedy gold.
Or .. too much maui gold ..?
To paraphrase Harlan Ellison in another context, what Obama knows about military science could be covered by a quarter-grain kiddie aspirin tablet. And most of what he knows is wrong.
It AIN’T so much the things we don’t know that get us into trouble. It’s the things we know that just ain’t so.
Rudyard Kipling foresaw this administration more than a century ago, when he wrote of the Bandar-log, the monkey people.
From Wikipedia:
And from Kipling’s poem The Road Song of the Bandar-log:
Heh, that’s because the left hasn’t changed or adapted at all in that time, despite the consistent failure of their ideology to produce….. anything besides negative outcomes, really. And Kipling was just politically insightful as… all get out, I will say
When it comes to leading the military, Barack Obama, you’re no George W. Bush. He’s forgotten more about leadership than you’ll ever know.