Take a good look at that picture.
Those are rocks. They are rioting in the Ukraine right now. Which means that these three monks… have an uncritical willingness to face danger. I’m not exactly sure which side these guys are nominally on – it’s messy over there – but I respect these kinds of displays of Faith.
“The conflict ceased.” http://t.co/eZ3X6blj2N via @BillyKangas
— Elizabeth Scalia (@TheAnchoress) January 23, 2014
Moe Lane
PS: Not to be mean or anything, but I think that dialectal materialism didn’t seem to do so hot against these guys. Go figure.
Am hating to differ, Moe, but Orthodox Church sold out to Bolsheviks early and often. In Ukraine, as in Poland, Catholic Church was and is religious bulwark of nationalism.
Not to take anything away from these brave men but before that, the Orthodox Church had a close relationship with the tsars. The Orthodox Church seems comfortable with authoritarian governments of any stripe.
The Catholic Church is pretty small in Ukraine dude.
71.2% of those who are affiliated with a religion are Orthodox.
14.7% are Greek Catholic which is very similar to Orthodox, but recognizes the primacy of the Pope.
The Roman Catholic Church only makes up 1.7% of those who affiliate with a religion.
So yeah “bulwark of nationalism”
That’s Ukrainian (Byzantine) Catholic to you, not “Greek”, you (presumably) endemonised Protestant; as a member of that church, I don’t need any lectures on the difference between the Eastern and Latin Rites. And the history is what it is.
Interestingly only 31.1% of the population are Orthodox.
It’s kind of hard to gauge this. Although I’d say over 80% are baptized in the Orthodox church, being Orthodox is more of a national identity. I’ve heard Russians proclaim “I’m atheist and I’m Orthodox”. Not many could name a tenet of faith. On Easter, the most celebrated day for Christians in Russia, about 1% of the town I lived in attended church. Although most identify with the Orthodox church, most also see the corruption/political ties of the church. Finally, the Orthodox church has, in general, less influence in the south-eastern part of Ukraine than it’s counterpart in Russia. So, for what it’s worth…
My wife is from the Ukraine and I lived close to the Ukraine for several years, so with some authority I can say that what you see in the American news is often far different from what is actually happening on the ground there.