8 thoughts on “Tweet of the Day, Yikes Indeed edition.”

  1. I don’t know Moe, all I see is a nice, very rich hom-
    *hits pic 21 and 22*
    DEAR LORD!! I want that house in the worst way!

  2. Oddly enough, those were not the tackiest rooms. That house was so over the top in gaudy that was only the tip of the iceberg

  3. ?
    He’s got a ridiculous amount of money, as established in the first 20 pics.
    Then we found out he has a hobby, and that his wife evidently keeps it confined to a single room.
    AFAICT, the only “yikes” is that even if you own a mansion, your wife will confine your stuff to an out-of-the-way spot.

  4. If you look at the map, that house is in a pretty prime location. I wouldn’t say it’s even over the top for the neighborhood it’s in– there, pretty much all the houses are $1M+. I used to use Mt. Paran Road (just a bit south of this house) as a cut-through as part of commuting home to Cobb when I worked in the Perimeter area, not far from where this house is.

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