7 thoughts on “Some of Blur’s animation artwork.”

  1. Surprisingly enough, zero. ALL of my gaming time is consumed by one game, Warcraft.

  2. Dark Souls 2, Bioshock Infinite are the only one’s I’ve played. But I know all of them.

  3. About half.
    Is there a guide to the thing? Because some of those I had no idea of looked pretty sweet.
    And of course, I was offended that they didn’t choose to include a number of great games… So they were victimizing me from their position of privilege! (haters.)

  4. I played the ‘Elder Scrolls Online’ beta. The intro cinematic was cool but unfortunately nothing like the actual game play. The PVE was boring and monotonous and lacked any incentive to group up with other people, which sorta makes it being an MMO pretty pointless.

  5. Oh, I didn’t realize Blur did the Planetside 2 cinematics too. That’s pretty much all I’ve been playing since last November. Their cinematic captures the essence of the game pretty well. The game has built in voice comms and when you get 4 squads united together as a platoon of 48 people you get a lot of radio chatter as leaders scream out orders and players spot targets. There is even a command channel so that the squad and platoon leaders of other outfits can communicate with each other and coordinate attacks. Each server holds up to 6000 people so you can get some pretty pervasive fights in areas of the continents that are strategically important. The game will randomly call out alerts the call on factions to capture all of a certain type of base. This will get 3-4 platoons of people working together in a massive zerg rolling around the map in a giant ball of death. The Blur video focuses on the Light Assault class and does a good showing how you can use your jet pack to leap off of mountains to drop C4 packs on unsuspecting tanks. Jump over walls into bases to gain vantage points on unsuspecting opponents. And drop your squad beacon down in tactically important positions so that your other squad mates can drop down from an orbital drop ship onto your position and instantly get into the fight. It’s a really engaging game on the teamwork and camaraderie aspect.

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