Primary Day Today! – and besides SC/VA.

There are primaries in Maine, North Dakota, Nevada, South Carolina, Virginia, and a runoff primary election for the Republican nominee for Arkansas Attorney General (all of this via The Green Papers).  It appears that that last one in Arkansas has gotten kind of heated; I have absolutely no idea who the better nominee is, except of course to note that any Republican beats any Democrat.  PARTICULARLY when it comes to Attorney General spots; we have been seeing a bad habit among Democratic AGs lately to refuse to defend laws that the populace likes, but Democrats do not.

OK, soapbox rant over.  Make sure you vote today, if you’re in one of those states.

Moe Lane

2 thoughts on “Primary Day Today! – and besides SC/VA.”

  1. During the 2012 primary election (which seems a life-time ago) I told someone that a Republican is assured to win the primary, no matter who you voted for and thus I told them to vote your conscience in the primary. Then you can hold your nose and vote GOP in the general if your guy didn’t win.

  2. Cantor goes down in flames.
    And there was much rejoicing.*
    *Classical reference.

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