Technical question for the video gamers.

My Frames per second dropping down to low double digits is becoming a problem in PvP (up to thirty people in the furball at once, all shooting at each other).  That’s a video card/processor problem, right?

10 thoughts on “Technical question for the video gamers.”

  1. Short answer: probably so. You may want to look into the settings and reduce some of the bells & whistles. Some of those settings can really clog a machine without a huge payoff in visual benefit.

    1. Right. Try reducing Anti Aliasing settings and/or Anisotropic filtering to ease up on the graphics card.

  2. I’m no tech expert, but could it not also be a connection speed issue? Either a bottleneck at the modem or router or possible reduced available capacity due to malware

  3. I’m sitting at an airport waiting for a flight, so I’m just spewing out comments out of boredom, I’ll stop talking now

  4. If it is just when they are all on screen, it’s most likely the rendering that’s the issue, so graphics card. Otherwise, it’s too much load on the CPU. If you can lower your graphics settings (lower detail, lower resolution), see if doing that will boost your frame rate.
    If that still doesn’t work, you’re just plain asking too much of your system.

  5. It could be.
    It could also be a bandwidth issue or overloaded servers.
    I would say the first step is to ask the other players if they’re experiencing similar lag. Firmly establish that the problem is on your end before you begin troubleshooting, otherwise you’re going to spend time, money, and aggravation failing to fix the problem.
    Looking at a gameplay video, the game doesn’t look like it should be stressing your graphics card all that much.
    Looking at the sheer number of variables that are being juggled, It think it’s likely something server-side or bandwidth-related. But it could be CPU, depending on how they set things up.

  6. You OK on memory? Low memory could lead to swapping, which would hurt performance. Beyond that, yeah, look at CPU and graphics.

  7. Reduce crud running the background? You’d be surprised at what programs run at startup.

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