Tweet of the day, I. CANNOT. WAIT. edition.

Not that I’ll buy any of the books, of course.

After all: it’s highly unlikely that my name will be in the index, which is pretty much the only reason to buy 99% of all Beltway-themed books.

9 thoughts on “Tweet of the day, I. CANNOT. WAIT. edition.”

  1. In honor of his support for Common Core, Obama’s Presidential library will contain no classic literature but only current event stories, mainly printed off of Huffington Post or ThinkProgress.

    1. Obama’s Presidential Library will contain no books whatsoever, just dedicated electronic tablets that can access the current versions of articles from his time in office that will be updated as events require.

      1. I thought it would be nothing but wall-to-wall Obama biographies.
        After all, what’s the point of articles about OTHER people when he is the Lightbringer?

        1. Yeah, but they still need regular revisions.
          You wouldn’t want to trust your own eyes that there used to be an old and discredited edition where he ate a dog or something… right?

          1. Oh, no doubt on the up to the minute revisions.

            I just doubt His Egoness will allow books about other, lesser people.

  2. I remember how Sarah Palin annoyed many inside the Beltway by maliciously not providing an index to her most recent book.

    1. No, some are turdsuckers and some others are just plain arse-lickers.

      And then there are the ones with heads so far up his bum he has to fart for them to be able to breathe…

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