In completely unrelated news, the casting for Suicide Squad has been officially announced.
I’m having trouble wrapping my mind around Will Smith as Deadshot. The character isn’t big on banter in the comics, and is often the straight man when the more chaotic members of the team are acting up. Either WS is looking to break typecast, or they’re retconning the character. (Or maybe, both.)
I’m not familiar with any of the others, but the chick playing Harley Quinn looks almost exactly like the comicbook character. If she’s got the chops to pull off the manic pixie, it’ll be inspired casting.
Always intensely disliked this song because it is so danged unbiblical. And the albumn cover showing the blond. 19th century European magically transporting to the ancient Middle East isn’t helping.
I know, I know…I denounce myself.
In completely unrelated news, the casting for Suicide Squad has been officially announced.
I’m having trouble wrapping my mind around Will Smith as Deadshot. The character isn’t big on banter in the comics, and is often the straight man when the more chaotic members of the team are acting up. Either WS is looking to break typecast, or they’re retconning the character. (Or maybe, both.)
I’m not familiar with any of the others, but the chick playing Harley Quinn looks almost exactly like the comicbook character. If she’s got the chops to pull off the manic pixie, it’ll be inspired casting.
Always intensely disliked this song because it is so danged unbiblical. And the albumn cover showing the blond. 19th century European magically transporting to the ancient Middle East isn’t helping.
I know, I know…I denounce myself.