Actually, it’s ‘DRUNKEN Secret Service agents disrupted,’ etc. etc. etc.

After reading this I feel like doing some drinking myself. “Two Secret Service agents suspected of driving under the influence andstriking a White House security barricade disrupted an active bomb investigation and drove directly beside the suspicious package itself, according to current and former government officials familiar with the incident.” …And then they got sent home before somebody could run a sobriety test on them.

Of course.

Look, I dislike the current President of the United States of America. But I don’t want him to die. I want the old, cold, street-samurai Secret Service back. Because this is no longer absurd; it’s alarming.

7 thoughts on “Actually, it’s ‘DRUNKEN Secret Service agents disrupted,’ etc. etc. etc.”

  1. Return the Secret Service to Treasury, where it made sence to have a dedicated counterfeiting squad placed and allowed tighter control over VIP protection. Their loss of professionalism is probally a result of being buried in DHS. Mission focus is lost in a larger organization w/ numerous levels of control. Also, the decision to select managing special agents here and in the US Marshall’s Service based upon politically correct quotas is also a likely cause of this fuster cluck.

  2. What I don’t get is why Obama puts up with this. You’d think he’d want a crack secret service guard.

  3. Good. God.

    Time to cashier not just the leadership, but well down into the ranks. Time for someone to enforce the ‘you are now serious grown-ups; act like it’ rules.
    Why on earth does that even need to be said?

  4. When I expect to be drinking a lot, I do that where I expect to spend the night. I have known army officers, and they do the same thing, all getting together (with the kids and spouses) at a friend’s house so that when all is said and done everyone has a good pot-luck, the kids play, watch movies and then go to bed, the adults drink and have a good time – and no one has to leave before early afternoon when everyone is sober.
    And no – that is not hard to do.

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