The Democrats’ gun confiscation fever dream has still not broken.

To quote the Spartans: If. “Gun owners will have to carry liability insurance if a bill introduced Friday by New York House Democrat Rep. Carolyn Maloney successfully makes its way through Congress.”  And I could be the next High King of Ireland, if the government there switched to a monarchy and decided that I was the true heir to the O’Connor.  …Which I could be.  You don’t actually know that I’m not, right?

Via Instapundit, which rightly notes that this is all about progressive Democrats signalling what they lust for.  In this particular case, they really and truly still want to keep people from owning guns. Never trust them on this. Never trust them on this.

4 thoughts on “The Democrats’ gun confiscation fever dream has still not broken.”

  1. As much as my response to this is “Kill it. Kill it with fire,” there is a way this could turn around and bite the Dems in the ass. To whit:
    1) The NRA already offers pretty substantial “We will replace your guns to a certain value if they’re stolen or lost in a disaster” insurance for anyone who is a member.
    2) Said NRA could just as easily offer similar liability insurance under auspices of membership, likely for very competitive rates.
    3) NRA roster swells and the NRA/ILA suddenly has more money with which to bring suits.
    4) Bring popcorn and watch.
    5) Fnord

  2. No politician is ever to be trusted on any issue. They must be watched carefully, and constantly reminded of the proximity of the fire to their feet… or the founding history of these United States.

    1. Agreed. Given the conduct of the DIABLO Party since they took both Houses of Congress in November, and their preparations to rescue Obamacare if the Supreme Court strikes down the illegal subsidies; how sure can anyone be of their devotion to any part of the Bill of Rights. They have earned no trust.

  3. I expect that the number of NRA members who commit felonies with firearms is well below the general population who do commit felonies with firearms.

    Might be something to look into.

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